8 hours per week
Only 20 seats left
Cost: Rs 65,000 + GST (EMI payment available)
Rolling applications starting from June 15th
You can attend all the sessions while studying or having a full time job
Classes taught
Ed-tech partners
Writing retreat
100+ hours of teaching time
Learn from over 50 leading industry experts
Get hired by top creative companies via our recruitment drive
Test different roles within the industry to see what suits you best
Career panels, resume and interview assistance
Graded assignments, reading material and exercise sheets
Grow your professional presence and network
Lifetime access to Bound's alumni network and community of creative professionals
10% off on all Bound Academy offerings
A certificate that gives you credibility in the publishing industry
What does being Bound Certified mean?
+ GST (EMI and payment in installments available)
Limited seats available!
Thoroughly read this page and the schedule.
Apply through the typeform.
If selected, make an advance payment of Rs 15,000 + GST to book your seat. For the rest of the payment, EMI options are available.
Show up, and make most of the course!
Founder & Managing Director
Tara Khandelwal is an editor with 10+ years of experience. She works with the biggest publishing houses in India and with Writers’ Side, Asia’s largest literary agency. She is an alumna of Barnard College, Columbia University and the Columbia Publishing Course.
Head – Originals
Aishwarya Javalgekar is an editor and mentor at Bound. She has a Masters in English (Public Texts) and a Certificate in Book Publishing from Humber College. She has worked at Zubaan, an independent publishing house in India and Simon and Schuster Canada.She has started her own literary magazine, ang(st).
Bound provides a variety of services that help writers develop their skills and get their work ready for publishing. Tara Khandelwal and Aishwarya Javalgekar offer manuscript and proposal edits and guide writers in developing their stories. Tara has edited many acclaimed books, including Three Impossible Wishes by Anmol Malik and Essential Items by Udayan Mukherjee.
We have reserved two seats for exceptional students from the Akanksha Foundation. We are not offering any other scholarships at the moment.
We have a no refund policy.
You will be given a certificate after the successful completion of the course. Also, feel free to mention the course in your CV and application.
Students will be divided into groups and will have 2 weeks to prepare. Each group will function as a publishing house and each student will play a role: editor, marketer, etc. Each group will present its business model and innovative book ideas in front of a special panel of judges.
Bound – Typeout Media Pvt. Ltd.
301, Nariman Point
Mumbai, 201301
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