We love our inbox filled with good vibes and great ideas!

We love our inbox filled with good vibes
and great ideas!

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For branded collaborations, drop us a message with an outline of your vision and how you see Bound’s role in it to

To browse through an overview of past collaborations that we created with cool brands and even cooler personalities, click here.
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For pitching your ideas, share detailed write-up with team Bound at

We are excited to discover your pathbreaking podcast concepts, articles synopsises for
Bound Magazine, or
your hand-sketched

comic strip about the secret life of
creative- bananas. For more inspiration, check
out our latest podcasts here.

General Queries

Bound Locations & Office Timings

Bound Locations &
Office Timings

When we started out in 2018, we would not have believed if someone told us that just a few years later, we would have offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, and Goa.

From there, team Bound works Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. We believe in keeping our evenings and weekends free to rejuvenate and relax, so we maintain happy heads full of ideas and insights to create the best possible value for our clients and partners.

Query Form

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Since we are small team with long to-do lists, please make sure that in your message to us you