8 Most Notable Books of 2019

8 Most Notable Books of 2019 Twitter Instagram Linkedin-in The Bound team loves reading contemporary books. We read some really good genre-bending books that came out this year, and we really want to recommend them to you!   FICTION   -The Body Myth by Rheea Mukherjee   The Body Myth is set in an imaginary… Continue reading 8 Most Notable Books of 2019

Mics On: How We Created Our Books Podcast

I don’t know about you, but I always want to go and talk to the author of a book immediately after I shut the last page. We are very excited to launch our brand new Books podcast, Books and Beyond. We are going to be interviewing writers across genres about their creative secrets, inspiration and… Continue reading Mics On: How We Created Our Books Podcast

No Mics On: Michelle and Tara On Recording Their Podcast Amidst A Pandemic

Not many people know that besides being colleagues, Michelle and Tara, the hosts of Books and Beyond with Bound, are also friends. Amidst the pandemic, this duo figured out how to record a podcast virtually and had a blast while at it. They take their combined love for interviewing authors and all things books up a notch… Continue reading No Mics On: Michelle and Tara On Recording Their Podcast Amidst A Pandemic